Case Studies

Case Study: Bendpro

From Reactive to Proactive Company Management in Under 3 Months

The Process:

Bendpro has an effective board that helped the company gain clarity on their one- and three-year goals.  Better Execute identified a need to better unpackage the one-year goals into a set of quarterly projects (or rocks). These would help the management team focus on the best initiatives to work on each quarter to achieve the year-end goal.  Additionally, Better Execute helped the management team define their roles and responsibilities so that Allen could become more free to focus on strategic activities such as customer interactions. Finally, Better Execute facilitated week-over-week management meetings to help monitor the team’s performance.

Business Goals

The Results:

Allen feels he has moved from reacting to the company’s needs in the moment to a more proactive manager with greater clarity and focus. The management team stepped up with their higher level of clarity on what they are most accountable for and how they can better support Allen with day-to-day operations.

Case Studies

Case Study: Festival Services

Freeing Up a Visionary in Less Than Three Months

The Process:

Better Execute was engaged to help Boris break free of the day-to-day grind and do what he does best, which is to identify the next big thing for customer experiences, as well as entirely new events. Better Execute provided the strategy and leadership to define a better company structure and delegate activities according to the skills of the highly talented team members. Quarterly meetings were setup to clearly define the key deliverables for the quarter, and weekly performance meetings were facilitated by Better Execute to ensure that the desired outcomes were obtained.

Festival Services

The Results:

In less than three months Boris was able to delegate and elevate his position in the company to that of a true strategic leader. He feels he has more control over his business and more time available for his family as needs arise.

Case Studies

Case Study: Keith Atkinson Electrical

From Boom to Bust to Boom

The Process:

Better Execute, in conjunction with a virtual CFO, reviewed Seth’s business and financial books and quickly confirmed that Seth was correct in being concerned. There were several errors found in the books and a general lack of clarity on the Gross Profit numbers on specific jobs and services. Although revenue was looking okay, gross profit and revenue recognition timing were serious issues. It became clear Seth was going to run out of cash and become insolvent.

Business Coaching

The Results:

Better Execute identified strategic money and terms that were agreeable and seen as synergistic to all parties. It is still early days post investment, but all signs show that Terawatt will bounce back stronger with better management as a result of the near catastrophic event.

Case Studies

Case Study: Moddex

From $29 to $41 million in revenue in 12 Months

The Process:

At Better Execute, the first step of the process is to understand your business and your specific needs. In Moddex’s case it was initially creating clarity around the short and mid-term goals.

This heightened focus and detail allowed us to identify the weak links in the company’s current staff, processes and technology and the actions required to accomplish the fairly audacious goals. The top issues were identified and, over six months, efforts were made both by Moddex and Better Execute to remedy the problems.

Company Case Study

The Results:

Alvin and the entire Moddex team have done amazing work in overcoming the challenges Better Execute put in front of them. Annual revenue has increased by 71 percent with no signs of slowing its growth rate. At least as importantly, Alvin now feels more mentally clear with greater control over the direction of the company than ever before.