Blog Financial Control Strategy and Planning

The Strategy & Discipline of Purpose-Driven Prospecting

The Strategy Behind Purpose-Driven Prospecting

Today I want to share with you both a business strategy and discipline that is greatly beneficial when adopted and integrated into your company culture. That strategy is Purpose-Driven Prospecting.  

Firstly, what is Purpose-Driven Prospecting & how is it both a strategy & a discipline?  

We can define it as the skills and disciplines required to achieve and maintain a prospecting culture within your company.

Let’s also be clear on what is meant by the term “Prospecting”.  Prospecting is when you and your team are both comfortable and proficient at proactively engaging with people in order to identify new potential business opportunities for your company.  

A proficiency in prospecting involves investigating and approaching business opportunities to encourage your contacts to be of service willingly, rather than feeling obligated to do you a favour. We will discuss how you prospect proficiently in a moment. 

Let’s begin with why it is so critical to have an effective company strategy for constantly finding new opportunities for the business.

Much of the ‘why’ is about eliminating the ‘scarcity mentality’ from your business. This occurs when we don’t feel we have enough leads or opportunities to meet our needs so we tend to focus on maximising the conversion rates of those leads out of fear of not having enough.  

You can begin to understand this by analysing your existing client base. Why are 20 percent of your clients undesirable? They don’t value your service, they don’t pay on time, they don’t refer other customers, they require more support than others? And you know the worst part about these customers? They sap the enjoyment from your team’s work, eroding motivation, productivity and enthusiasm.  

So, why do you keep these clients at all? Because you are more afraid of replacing the loss in revenue than you are the implications of keeping them! Hopefully, this issue is something you can now directly relate to. 

The Scarcity Dynamic makes us do dumb things that we often justify because of too few opportunities. For example, we end up pricing our services more tightly than is often ideal or necessary. We focus an abundance of energy on sales, trying to convert potential customers before they are really ready to purchase.  This in turn sets up downstream problems with contract terms and levels of customer satisfaction.

Another critical point to understand is that when you are playing in the realm of scarcity, the customer is nearly always right because you are afraid to lose the revenue. When you have a significant workload you will obviously still approach the customer professionally and fulfil your tasks and obligations proficiently. But your employees can become the most important part of the equation, not the revenue the customer represents.  

If you want a strong company you need to be in the HR business of creating great and happy employees. When money is tight and customers have the leverage this is a difficult strategy to accomplish. 

In contrast, when we are playing from a position of strength with more opportunities than we can handle, we focus upon who we hire, how well we train them, how many people we hire, and the list goes on.

At this point, I am hoping you are growing to understand how much good comes from having more leads than you can handle. Just ask yourself how much stress is created in your life due to concerns around whether there will be enough business and revenue to keep your company at a level that makes sense for you and your family. Often, you aren’t hiring sufficient people to help you get out of the daily grind and work more smartly on your business.

Okay, let’s turn this conversation to the ‘how’ of creating this culture within your company:  

The first step is an interesting one and one in which many people fail before they even begin.

You first need to know that your product or service delivers far more value than it costs. Of course, you need to understand this mentally, but you need to more importantly know it in your heart – your service is wildly valuable. If you don’t feel this, stop reading any further.  This ‘value of service’ issue needs to be resolved before further steps can be taken. We will be happy to give you a free 30-minute strategy session on how to work through this challenge.

When you are clear and confident in your service value, you need to ensure all of your team is as well. This will likely require some direct conversations and it is important that you allow your team to express any and all concerns they have about any part of the sales, service, product delivery, and support processes.  

Teasing out these often invisible concerns is gold! By getting these issues into the light they can then be addressed. And they need to be addressed in order to resolve nagging internal concerns and get the foundation set for being a great prospecting company.  

Once you have everyone believing you have a product or service that merits promotion, it is time to ensure you have the right prospecting strategy. As Bob Dylan, the great American songwriter says, “I’ll know my song well before I start singin’.” In our prospecting case, we need to have a strategy for what we are going to say when prospecting and know it well before we set any expectations around prospecting. Equally as important, it must be done in a way we feel good about that doesn’t cause our contacts to feel uncomfortable. 

Getting this process right can take some effort but as you are hopefully realising – it is a nearly priceless exercise so it is well worth the time and effort. This one-way communication format isn’t the best method for developing an effective prospecting strategy but I will try to give you the most important elements of the process. As always, call with any questions and we’ll happily give you a hand.

Regardless of strategy, your initial prospecting statement should begin with the phrase, “who do you know who…” This is the most effective way to get a conversation focused enough to allow a contact to think of an actual person who could benefit from talking with you or your company. This first part is clear and easy, step two is where the work comes in.

The second part of the question requires real thought. You want to find a recurring problem that your product or service helps people with. In my world, I often ask, “Who do you know who may benefit from getting more control over their company?” I may add something like, “we typically help companies with either the predictability of their revenue, their team’s performance, or managing the financial performance of their business.”

It needs to be clear, concise, and come across as a sincere willingness to provide some help in an initial conversation. At Better Execute we actually have six different phrases we use depending on the person we are speaking to.  

So, how ready are you and your people to say, “Hey John, who do you know who may benefit from hearing about how we help resolve long-standing issues around their pain points?” If you can’t roll out of bed and throw these lines down it is unlikely they will be said in a way that makes your contacts feel comfortable in providing you with names and leads.

Embrace the fact that some work is required but the value and the shelf life will be significant and ongoing.

Imagine if everyone in your company did feel comfortable consistently asking these questions and asking for introductions! Could this be a game-changer for your business?

Your team has now practiced the wording enough that it rolls off their tongues with ease. You have put in the effort to identify the issues team members had with your service so everyone fully believes in the massive difference between the cost and value of your offering. And your team feels good about trying to help other customers obtain similar results.

Think of what can be generated from you and your team when everyone is clear on HOW and WHY to prospect for your company. Remember, there are only two reasons why an employee will not feel comfortable prospecting, which are:

  1. They feel they are taking more than they are giving, which means we have issues with our product or service that needs addressing.
  2. They don’t know how to prospect in a way they feel makes them look caring and professional, rather than seeming pushy and focused on money.

Problem #1 must be resolved to ensure your product and team area performing as required to be competitive in the marketplace.

Problem #2 is a strategic decision to practice getting better at engaging customers, industry contacts and anyone else to give them the chance to introduce somebody they know to have an initial conversation.

By this point, I truly hope you are feeling the ‘why’ and ‘how’ around the potential super-power of prospecting as a strategy for your company.  

Please understand that the pain created by not prospecting effectively is actually far more uncomfortable than the pain required to add the superpower of prospecting to your company. The difference is that you now know the most efficient and productive way of implementing your purpose-driven prospecting strategy.

Good luck and again, let us know if you have any questions along the way!

Blog Financial Control Strategy and Planning

Are You Undermining Your Strategic Planning?

Strategic Planning For Improved Results

Are you setting low strategic planning expectations for your business as a way of combating the feeling of not having control over profitability?

Said another way, has business driven you into desiring only small goals – or maybe not wanting to set goals at all? There is some simple and practical strategic planning that can help you aspire to more and gain more control over your company’s outcomes. The challenge is often that these strategies aren’t talked about outside of management consultations. 

Many business managers may be under-implementing or unaware of vital processes that support greater fiscal control. This blog focuses upon the four key steps towards greater financial management of your company’s revenue and profitability.

Step 1 – Understand that failing is harder than the strategic planning required to achieve success. 

Most failure in small to midsize business is due to a lack of action from fear of being judged negatively by others. We need to better understand and accept that the pain of failure is far worse and longer-lasting than some grinding strategic planning activities required for success. When we accomplish this, we begin to see that the required strategic planning for achieving success can not only less painful than failure, it can actually become enjoyable, motivating and greatly rewarding.

Step 2 – Get simple, accurate & clear metrics for how you are currently performing vs. what strategic planning is required for success. 

One key issue that faces small to medium business managers is that more money is needed in the sales pipeline. There is a finite balance between a critical focus on conversion rates and the overwhelm of more leads than you can handle.

Of course, it is always smart to work on improving your conversion rates in order to maximise the quality of your customer sales process, but not as a way of combatting a lack of leads. This sense of lack also affects pricing and profitability due to feeling the need to convert as many sales as possible. Quality over quantity is often a more productive mentality to assume.

Establishing clear metrics means knowing how many leads are required for a given period to ensure an adequate sales pipeline. A second number within the sales pipeline is generally also required, such as the number of proposals submitted per the same period. The third important number is often the total sales (revenue) amount for the period. And fourth is the Gross Profit (GP). With these three or four numbers in hand, you can begin to get objective feedback on whether or not you are doing all that is required to achieve your desired numbers.

From these basic metrics, you can expand to begin working toward a balanced scorecard that takes more company activities into consideration. However, if you are currently not diligently reviewing some simple weekly metrics and making tough decisions to correct any underperforming numbers, stay practical. This dynamic of practical versus diligent reminds me of the unfit person wasting time researching the benefits of different exercises. They should simply begin by stepping away from the computer and running around the block! It is easy to make huge improvements early on before you need to start contemplating more sophisticated strategies. In the business world, this can translate to not concerning yourself with the perfect CRM, networking group, or product presentation. Just get going and measure some simple numbers accurately to get some feedback on how you are progressing.

Step 3 – Ensure everyone is accountable to someone or something. 

Accountability gets easier when objective numbers are being measured. To really elevate accountability, find ways to make everyone feel accountable to the point where it is far less painful to do what is required than paying the consequences for not achieving targets. This can be as basic as regularly reporting progress to the rest of the team. 

On the more strategic end, try paying money to undesirable causes or people each time a key performance number is missed.  My favourite is paying an ex-spouse (or even a current spouse) $100 each time the person doesn’t accomplish what they need to.  When the motivation level is right, it is almost comical what people can achieve.

Quota bonuses can create excellent motivation. Even if set small and low, the regular bonus can be factored into your base salary budgets and at a level that is frequently achievable yet not guaranteed. Staff will become accustomed to this little windfall, making them even more motivated to improve should they not attain their monthly quota.

Even a supposed bonus that is simply a portion of their budgeted salary can instill high levels of motivation.

Step 4 – Schedule quarterly reviews to reassess & restructure your strategic planning

There is a reason business breaks a year into 90-day quarters. It will serve you well to align with the dynamics of business and people in general. We need to recalibrate every 90 days to remain clear on where we are going and why. 

The typical strategic planning session requires 4-8 hours every quarter to go through the company processes. When performed correctly, company planning days reaffirm clarity, urgency, and accountability within your team, keeping them on track and motivated for the next quarter. 


In conclusion, maintaining control of your company’s ability to generate a desired level of revenue and profitability is not for the lucky, it is for those who approach the process correctly, functionally and with the right mindset. 

Give it a try. For the little effort it can take, the gains can be exponential. There is a reason more than 80 percent of businesses fail within the first three years. We hope this article has helped clarify that business and financial success have little to do with luck. Through Better Execute, you now have access to information that can make building your business a practical, predictable success. Please feel free to contact us anytime for many more practical business solutions.

Blog Financial Control Strategy and Planning

Creating Better Financial Management

Creating Better Financial Control

#5 of the 5 Required Disciplines for Managing Your Business

Did you know that some 95 percent of business leaders are less than impressed with the cost-to-service value of their accountant?   

We have a great deal of respect for accountants and value their position both to us as a company and within the mechanics of a business. However, this consistent area of irritation isn’t with the accountant as a person, it is with the dynamic of the relationship. 

In this article, we will provide both a clear description of what activities all small to midsize businesses need to be doing, and how they can remain financially strong. Additionally, we will take a closer look at why you, like most business leaders, might be feeling you are not getting receiving the best value for money from your accounting services.

Before we begin, a quick reminder of the five core disciplines all business leaders need to ensure are well implemented and maintained to have a strong and adaptable business.

The five disciplines are:

The five disciplines are:

#1 – Practical Company Planning
#2 – Using an Accountability Chart
#3 – Effective Management Meetings
#4 – Using a Company Performance Scorecard
#5 – Strong Financial Control

Let’s be honest, working on financial management activities for most entrepreneurs is up there with watching paint dry for levels of excitement. I too feel myself nodding off after just a few minutes of logging into my accounting software. This reality is one of the reasons these activities make the Top 5 list of required company disciplines.

Another reason is that running out of money – insolvency – is a common cause of collapse for companies. And let’s be clear, there is a lot of carnage on the business battlefield, with over 90 percent of businesses shutting down within the first six years [1].  The key issue is that as companies grow the financial swings get bigger, and a lack of clear and accurate monetary forecasting information creates a deadly blindspot for leaders.

In tackling this problem for companies well over 100 times now, I have recognised two major flaws most business owners have in the area of financial management.  

Issue #1: Your company’s financial control management isn’t clearly defined

What we don’t see, we don’t manage – which leads to money problems.

If you are unsure how this might apply to your financial management, consider this: There are nine essential activities every business needs to do consistently to remain financially strong. Most business leaders think of Invoicing, Accounts Payable, Payroll, and Tax and Compliance which covers less than half of what is required.

When companies don’t manage all nine they are setting themselves up for short-term cashflow challenges and longer-term insolvency.  

We won’t go into all nine activities in this article, but you can download a helpful infographic on all nine areas here. Rather, we will focus on one of the nine activities – Management Accounting – which addresses the reason why most business leaders are underwhelmed by their current accounting services.

Issue #2:  The Financial Management Accounting Activity Is Not Being Completed Each Month

When your Financial Management Accounting activity is done correctly each month, your books are fully reconciled and the financial reports are 100 percent accurate. When the activities or disciplines are not in place the numbers are often mostly accurate but there are discrepancies and ‘guesstimations’ for any inaccuracies. This in turn results in subsequent problems which often snowball, resulting in inaccurate data, fines and cashflow challenges. Below are a few examples:

  • Bank accounts are not reconciled or cross-checked with bank statements due to auto-feeds directly from the bank into the accounting software.
  • Fixed assets, depreciation and loans are typically not accounted for until the end of the Fiscal Year by the Tax Accountant and suddenly, you have an unexpected large depreciation expense and a new financial liability.  
  • Accounting activities are limited to data entry and not performed consistently or thoroughly. When required entries involving employee entitlement provisions, stock takes, prepaid expenses or revenue received in advance occur, it is often entered only partially or incorrectly. As one specific example, good accounting practices would amortise the entry over the correct term, creating smoother results month to month and avoiding irregular profits.

The reason this is a problem in most small-to-midsize businesses is because:

  1. The company’s bookkeeper doesn’t have the experience or skills to identify and resolve the problems that arise with transaction details.  
  2. The business leader often doesn’t even know this is a required activity each month (highlighting Issue #1) so they don’t set an expectation within their team.
  3. The accountant often could perform this task but they have set up a relationship with the business owner that focuses on what they do most often in their business, which is Tax and Compliance work. This accountant issue is why you may well be dissatisfied with the level of support you are receiving from your accountant.

Issue #3: Your Accountant Is Not Focused on Helping Your Financial Management

This is a significant disconnect between business leaders and accountants. Accountants are primarily focused on appeasing the Tax Office. The challenge is that Tax and Compliance activities don’t help you run your business or deal with planning for future cashflow requirements and profitability. Accountants need to accept a portion of responsibility for this misperception. They say they can provide ‘advisory’ services which can include activities that will help produce more clarity around cashflow, profitability and business risks. However, most rarely do. My theory on why this occurs is simply because it is easy to sell services that customers have to buy, such as with tax and compliance work,  while advisory-type services are harder to sell because they are different from the norm.

As a business leader, it is important to really refine this dynamic with your tax accountant.  You need to be able to see and understand that their service focuses on keeping you compliant by filing accurate tax returns. Most are not set up to provide monthly support at a management accounting level. Don’t take my word for it, just ask what percentage of their clients they provide monthly management accounting services for. The ones who actually perform this work for customers will confidently say 80-90 percent, while most accountants will respond more uncomfortably and provide some explanation as to why they don’t.   

This is why you are likely not wildly happy about the value of your current accounting services. You would like them to provide insights on how to better run the financial parts of your business but they are only set up to provide intermittent tax-focused work. 

To add salt to the commonly felt wound, in order to generate an accurate tax return much of the ‘management accounting’ efforts need to be done at the end of the year to clean up the records in order to file accurate numbers. This means you end up paying for the work at the end of the year, which is too late to help you make better decisions on company budgeting throughout the year. Had you paid for the work to be done monthly, you could enjoy the benefits of having accurate data and reporting. You would then pay less for the tax return at the end of the year because the books would already be accurate.  

This rarely-discussed dynamic is a significant opportunity for business leaders to get far better financial support while not paying more for the overall service. You simply need to find the right kind of accountant who can provide this type of monthly advisory work. 

Again, to be clear on the type of support your company needs, please checkout the Nine Required Financial Management Activities. You can take this list of activities and discuss them with your bookkeeper and accountant to gain more clarity on the responsibilities required to better support your financial management needs.

We hope you now feel we’ve delivered on our promise for providing clarity on the key financial management activities you need to be sure your company is consistently doing well. Additionally, we trust we have helped you better understand why you may feel less than impressed with the level of support you receive from your accountant.  

As always, we are here for questions. Best of luck on your business’s financial management journey!


Blog Management Meeting Strategy and Planning

Your Company Performance ScoreCard

Using a Company Performance Scorecard

4 of the 5 Required Disciplines for Managing Your Business

Compared to the other critical Management Disciplines we have discussed, monitoring a practical Company Performance Scorecard is a less known, and less implemented concept.

This article focuses on the what, why, and how of creating and using a Company Performance Scorecard to help you to monitor, identify, and resolve company performance issues.

As a quick reminder, there are five core disciplines all business leaders need to ensure are well implemented and maintained to have a strong and adaptable business.

The five disciplines are:

#1 – Practical Company Planning
#2 – Using an Accountability Chart
#3 – Effective Management Meetings
#4 –Using a Company Performance Scorecard
#5 – Strong Financial Control

What is a Company Performance Scorecard?

Your company’s Performance Scorecard is a set of figures that informs the management team – whether a single leader or a team of 10 – how the company is currently performing, as well as forecasting future financial results. The scorecard should capture the most telling Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and financial numbers for the company.  

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so we’ve created a Company Performance Scorecard Infographic for you to review below:

Company Scorecard

Why Should You Use a Company Performance Scorecard?

One key benefit of effectively using a scorecard is that it gives you more time to identify and fix company performance problems before they lead to financial implications. Additionally, it increases your team’s accountability for those performance problems.  

Recently, one of our business coaching clients identified a monthly revenue issue on their scorecard. Their sales were fantastic, but the issue was that COVID lockdowns were preventing them from invoicing for work that was being delayed, which created a problem in revenue recognition. With this information, a company-wide initiative was created to reduce or defer costs until construction projects started back up again and revenues could catch back up. This action helped mitigate a downstream problem of decreasing Company Profitability for the month and quarter. They were able to maintain much of their desired profitability outcome by taking quick action in reducing costs during work delays.

The act of monitoring these key performance numbers not only helps management teams identify and take action earlier, but it also increases the entire company’s awareness of what really matters. We often hear from frustrated business leaders that their people don’t seem to understand how business works. This is an opportunity to educate team members on why these numbers are so important to the company’s health.  

How Can You Create an Effective Company Performance Scorecard?

It is important to understand that every company is its own unique set of KPIs. A good starting place for clarifying your own company’s numbers is to imagine you are cut off from receiving any information on your company except for five figures on a card each week. What would those five figures be?  

In our business coaching practice, we find that the quantity of these weekly numbers typically increases from five to 10 once you begin to consider the breadth of the company and the range of details you require. If a company wants more depth in the scorecard numbers, they may want to include Debtors’ Days in addition to a Current Accounts Receivable number. A Work Safety Incidence number is a good example of some additional breadth companies may want to include in addition to the more standard business performance areas.

If a Company Performance Scorecard is new to you and your company, start simple. Begin with just what is most telling about your company’s performance. As you develop the discipline to report on these numbers accurately, you can add just enough additional numbers to give the scorecard more of a balanced feel. This scorecard maintenance process includes some art, some science, and slight adjustments from time to time.  

Hopefully this information provides you with the details and justification to implement (or revisit) your company’s Performance Scorecard. As always, let us know if we can answer any questions as you try to better execute. 

Blog Management Meeting Strategy and Planning

Effective Management Meetings

Effective Management Meetings

3 of the 5 Required Disciplines for Managing Your Business

Management Meetings, like many of the fundamental business strategies, are often regarded as not particularly valuable. This article focuses on the strategies required to make Effective Management Meetings the linchpin of your business.

As a quick reminder, there are five core disciplines business leaders should ensure are well implemented and maintained for a strong and adaptable business.

The five disciplines are:

#1 – Practical Company Planning
#2 – Using an Accountability Chart
#3 – Effective Management Meetings

#4 – Monitoring a Simple Company Scorecard
#5 – Strong Financial Control

This article focuses on #3 in the series: The Discipline of Effective Management Meetings. You can find previous articles at, with subsequent articles published over the coming weeks.

Why Effective Management Meetings Are Required

Although there are many reasons why Effective Management Meetings are necessary, three important reasons are to improve Accountability, Focus and Problem Solving. Here is how:


Your team needs to develop and maintain a high level of integrity in achieving its objectives. Too often, companies have meetings where they identify important tasks that need to be completed by specific individuals. Yet without consistent accountability, these tasks lack the discipline to achieve a timely and effective outcome. Instilling this mentality regularly will develop a continued culture of strong and appreciated accountability.  

A well-run Management Meeting will identify key tasks or project benchmarks that need to be completed by the following meeting and managed in the interim. This process will identify weak performers as well as validate those who are striving to complete their tasks on schedule.


As the renowned management consultant Peter Drucker states: “What gets measured gets managed”.  Another key part of an effective management meeting is reviewing a Company Scorecard. 

Your Company Scorecard tracks five to seven key performance indicators (KPIs) week on week, as well as some core financial numbers such as sales revenues, to monitor how the company is performing. This keeps everyone aware of the status of the company, identifying concerns early to prevent them from becoming major issues that affect cashflow and financial results. We all have the same amount of time in a week. Focusing on the right issues to work on is the difference between a productive company and one that is just busy.


When considering the value of solving problems before they develop into bigger problems, it is often said that you should, “kill the giant when it is a baby”.  

This sage advice is regularly overlooked without effective weekly Management Meetings. Any good management meeting will have the majority of its duration dedicated to clarifying and resolving key issues. This requires both skill and discipline. Skill is needed in order to correctly tease out the core issues at play, while discipline is required to identify practical strategies that are implemented and managed until the issues are completely resolved. Often management teams will address the symptoms rather than tackling the root cause of an issue. This allows problems to compound over time, impacting morale and productivity.   

What is the Agenda for Effective Management Meetings?

Our favourite agenda for high-quality weekly 60-90-minute management meetings is outlined below. Click here to download our free agenda format to use as a starting point in creating an agenda that meets your company needs:

    1. First Five Minutes – Begin your meeting with authentic examples of what is working in the company. Where are people demonstrating the company’s core values and what’s already working? You have the rest of the meeting to focus on the negatives so spend a couple of minutes identifying some positive items to initiate a positive mindset.
    2. Next Five Minutes – Review the company scorecard. Identify which numbers need to be addressed as issues within the meeting. If you don’t have a scorecard, now is a prime opportunity to discuss and make one.  What key activities and numbers can be tracked at a weekly cadence to monitor your company’s functionality?
    3. Next Five Minutes – Headline information regarding customers or employees. Make visible any noteworthy goings-on internally and externally. This is your opportunity to share information across the company rather than just within departments.
    4. Next Five Minutes – Review the tasks and minutes that were generated from the last meeting.  Ensure there remains a high level of integrity and accountability amongst the team and across all tasks.
    5. Next Five Minutes – Review the status of the key initiatives or ‘Rocks’ for the quarter (see my blog on Goal Setting for more information).  The owner of each initiative states whether their project is on or off track as defined in the previous quarterly meeting. If off track, it is added to the issue list.
    6. Next Five Minutes – Issue Management. Assess the status of issues discussed previously, ensuring that the solution strategies remain tracked through to completion, again for accountability.
    7. Next 25-55 Minutes – Top Issue Identification, Discussion and Resolution.  Once the company performance has been observed and discussed briefly, it is time to focus the best minds of the company on the issues or opportunities that need to be obtained or resolved. The first step is to identify the top issues to be discussed. This will likely only be a subset of the items on your ‘issues list’ which is maintained week upon week in order to keep items consistently visible until resolved. The time taken for problem-solving is both efficient and effective. It is efficient because it provides a specific time and place for management to discuss issues, thereby reducing the need for multiple repetitive conversations. It is effective because it enables the team to analyse to root issue, rather than becoming distracted by the symptoms. There are many great articles and books on getting to the core issue, such as The Five Whys by Majed F. Rajeh. Once the core issue is identified, the team can contribute towards a unified solution. Finally, the best solution strategy is debated, defined and attributed to an owner.  If it is a larger effort it can be managed in the Issue Management section of your next meeting.
    8. Final 5 Minutes – Make sure everyone is clear on any tasks they own and ask everyone to rate the quality and effectiveness of the meeting. You can ask, “Did everyone get what they needed to from today’s meeting?”

Be sure to start and end on time – or earlier when possible.  Use your meeting’s minutes to capture a list of items or topics that were not able to be discussed so they can be reviewed at the next week’s meeting.

Weekly Management Meetings

Why Your Weekly Management Meetings May Lack Effectiveness

Although there can be many reasons why a meeting is not seen as effective, the most common reasons are:

    1. Tasks are not clearly owned by a single person and therefore not followed up on to ensure completion within the allocated timeframe.
    2. There isn’t a company scorecard to identify what and when things are off track.
    3. When issues are discussed there isn’t enough discipline placed on first identifying the core problem, causing conversations to go off on tangents.
    4. A clear agenda is not consistently followed.
    5. There isn’t enough trust amongst the team to speak openly and frankly about issues.
    6. Meeting length, times and dates are not consistent.
    7. There isn’t a clear focus on what to accomplish within a quarterly cycle.

All of these issues are valid reasons for why people may not place a great deal of value on weekly management meetings.  


Effective Weekly Management Meetings are the most important discipline to get right with your team.  You will keep everyone focused and inspired to do great work and identify problems in the company’s performance when the challenges are small and manageable.  We hope this article has inspired you to tighten up your weekly management meeting in places you hadn’t been thinking about improving.  Enjoy the process!

Blog Management Meeting Strategy and Planning

Your Business Accountability Chart

Managing Your Team Via a Business Accountability Chart

2 of the 5 Required Disciplines for Managing Your Business

Let me introduce you to the second discipline of better business management: using an Accountability Chart. 

In our previous article, The Discipline of Practical Company Planning, we proposed the value of consistent planning, strengthening your team’s ability to ‘execute’ on and achieve identified set goals.  

Today’s article focuses on creating a company and team dynamic to best define and accomplish such goals. A team’s ability to consistently accomplish its desired goals depends on its ability to remain focused, accountable, and aware of how its members are performing.  

A Business Accountability Chart, when made correctly, should be the fundamental tool for ensuring your team members have a clear concept of their individual responsibilities and deliverables, and how their roles and work integrate with the entire team to achieve your company goals. This article assumes you have created an effective Business Accountability Chart for your company. If you are at all unclear on how to do this, contact us with any questions.

The five disciplines are:

#1 – Practical Company Planning
#2 – Using an Accountability Chart
#3 – Effective Management Meetings
#4 – Monitoring a Simple Company Scorecard
#5 – Strong Financial Control

Like all powerful tools, simply having a Business Accountability Chart doesn’t provide any inherent value. It needs to be utilised regularly to generate a positive return on investment. 

The following are the three key activities to maximise the extensive benefits in correctly implementing a Business Accountability Chart.

1. Maintaining the correct structure within the company

Without this deliberate effort, we can often let people in the company slide into doing what they are good at rather than what the company needs. For example, in the case of a recruiting company where I began working, the optimal structure was to have a ‘seat’ for recruiting candidates and another for acquiring companies as clients. The current team members felt they liked doing both candidate and customer acquisition as well as management. Identifying the right seats first allowed the business leader to better clarify the necessary skills and results for each position. They could then talk to their current team members about the requirements for fulfilling each position and thus determine whether they would be a good fit for each of the roles.

Although a Business Accountability Chart shouldn’t change frequently, it is important to review it before determining proposed changes for the company’s direction or desired level of production.

It is important to remember that a person, especially in small companies with only a few employees, can fill multiple seats. The value, then, comes from identifying and monitoring the key deliverables for each of the necessary seats, rather than the staff member. There isn’t any value created just by having one person for each seat; this is just a factor of what the company can afford in terms of staff. Initially, in a company of one, the leader needs to fill each of the seats. As the company grows, those initial seats will be filled by others. As it continues growing, some of the original seats will be divided into more specialised seats with more granular deliverables.

2. Defining & monitoring the correct key deliverables and tasks through your accountability chart

After optimising the right seats for the company, there is the opportunity to clarify the key deliverables and most common tasks for each seat. This is a wonderful chance to cut through the busy work and define what really matters for each part of the company. This activity ends with the team members becoming much clearer and more accountable for delivering what is needed after accepting responsibility for the seat.

Better Execute Accountability Chart
An example of a typical SMB Accountability Chart with the three core areas of business - revenue, operations and finance departments - called out.

Feelings of fear and being overwhelmed can occur when people see the details involved in what is being asked of them. Effectively defining what is required to be successful in any given seat will go a long way toward making team members feel both accountable and confident to deliver!

The final step in this key activity is to identify the key performance number(s) for the seat. This is as much an art as a science, and it often takes a while to settle in on the best number (or numbers). The aim is to identify a small set of performance figures that can be measured weekly to represent whether the seat’s key deliverables are being generated. These weekly numbers can then provide feedback on how people are performing in any given seat.  

If you are not familiar with identifying and monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs),  feel free to contact us with any questions.

3. Using a ‘People Analyser’ tool to monitor your staff members’ abilities to perform as part of the team

Too often, we don’t provide solid periodic reviews for our staff, simply telling ourselves ‘they know how we feel about themselves and their performance levels.’ In reality, they often don’t know and are nearly always looking for more specific guidance on how they can improve or be worth more to the company.

A People Analyser-type tool is perfect for identifying an employee’s strengths and weaknesses. It allows you to weed out the bad apples that may be getting results for the company but who are actually destroying the culture and effectiveness of the team as a whole. A strong team will outperform any individual, and it takes courage to remove a performer for the benefit of the team; doing so is likely the single most important discipline a business leader can maintain.

When measuring or analysing a team member’s performance, first review how well they embody your company’s Core Values. Simply compare them to the list of core values, deciding if they “regularly”, “occasionally”, or “do not” demonstrate each one in turn. Any ‘Do Not’ answers are likely a real problem for your team dynamics and should be taken seriously. The Occasionally items should be talked about in their review. The Regularly items should be acknowledged in thoughtful ways, from a simple commendation to bonuses or rewards.

The second part of the People Analyser process is evaluating the employee’s ability to generate their necessary deliverables. There are three important questions you want to ask to measure the person’s performance:

        • Do they fully understand the seat’s deliverables and dynamics?
        • Do they want to perform and deliver on these activities?
        • Do they have the actual ability to perform the necessary activities to achieve the required outcomes?

These are great questions to consider before working with the employee accordingly. So much of job satisfaction comes down to being able to perform well on what is required of the job. When the person fits the requirements, they are more likely to do well. When they are a poor fit, problems are going to persist, which undermines the entire team.

The effective use of Business Accountability Charts can be a game-changer for companies. We hope this article has provided you with some specific ideas and opportunities to elevate your company’s chart to the next level.

If you would like further advice on implementing your Business Accountability Chart, or wish to discuss any of the Five Required Disciplines of Business Management, please don’t hesitate to contact Better Execute.

Blog Management Meeting Strategy and Planning

Practical Company Planning

Practical Company Planning & Management Coaching 

1 of the 5 Required Disciplines for Managing Your Business

Company Planning, like many fundamental business strategies, often gets a bad rap. Why? Because it is often done poorly, with even worse follow-through.  This article focuses on a PRACTICAL Company Planning strategy you can easily implement.

If you find it hard to make improvements in your business, you’re not alone.  One common reason for such difficulties is that you often initiate random business strategies that, while they may be valid, do not come in a logical order. It helps to receive information in sequential order, where one concept or strategy should be implemented first, then the next, and so on. This allows you to develop a methodology that can mature with clarity and comprehension, rather than trying to make sense of a scattered array of non-cohesive strategies that do not support one another.

In this article, we provide the five required disciplines all companies need to maintain in order to run effectively. Each week, we will delve into one of these strategies, though all five will remain visible in each article; this will allow you to keep an eye on the macro strategy while we further explore each of them in subsequent articles.

The good news is that, in order to effectively manage a company, there are only five core disciplines. When these are effectively implemented, they support the overall company needs as well as highlighting problem areas until the issues are resolved. 

The five disciplines are:

#1 – Practical Company Planning
#2 – Using an Accountability Chart
#3 – Effective Management Meetings
#4 – Monitoring a Simple Company Scorecard
#5 – Strong Financial Control

We are going to focus on the first – The Discipline of Practical Company Planning – in this article, developing the remaining four in the coming weeks.

What Is Involved in a Practical Company Planning Process?

Most companies do not have a practical and actionable business plan. If one exists, it is often not reviewed frequently nor is it shared regularly with the entire company. Planning is not just a formality for big, successful businesses; it has been repeatedly proven to be a critical discipline for success for small-to-medium businesses (SMBs). As is often the case, when people endure a series of bad experiences related to a topic like Company Planning, they tend to discard the strategy rather than placing blame on the actual problem. In this case, the problem is the quality of execution of the Company Planning strategy – not the strategy itself.

The following are the typical attributes that need to be included in an effective company planning process, and they need to be implemented in the following order:

Step #1 – Ensuring alignment between key stakeholders (owners/directors/managers)

The first step in company planning is to ensure that the owners and top managers are all on the same page. Often, there are verbal understandings’ between owners, directors, and managers that, in actuality, are not clear – especially as time goes by. In our business coaching process, we often discover issues between stakeholders in the form of unclear agreements or differing beliefs of what things mean. A key part of an effective company planning process is that it ensures the people at the top remain fully aligned on where the company is headed and the actions required to get there, before looking to guide the rest of the organisation.

Step #2 – Clarity on company declarations, its short- and long-term goals and a clear plan of action 

By finding compelling answers as to what the company stands for, where it is going, and how it is going to get there, the organisation is better equipped to rally its employees and customers around the plan. There needs to be a clear thread of reason for how the company’s long-term goals and vision relate to this quarter’s (and even week’s) activities. With this Company Planning in place, the team can see the company’s vision, purpose and mission, and that what they do today will have a direct impact on the company’s position in five or 10 years.  

Step #3 – Circulate the simple strategic plan with others consistently

Beyond documenting a thoughtful and straightforward one- or two-page plan, your strategic plan needs to be continuously reiterated and used consistently as a reference when making decisions on the company’s ongoing progress. 

Although we often help companies develop this concise company planning document, we always need to push for the plan’s continued circulation and reinforcement throughout the company.  This process of sharing and referencing the company plan nearly always requires coaching and accountability. It is said that someone needs to hear a statement seven times before the idea sinks in; this is definitely the case for employees understanding their company’s direction.

Implementing the 3-Step Company Planning Process

There is a reason we refer to these activities as ‘Disciplines‘: they require ongoing effort and monitoring. When left unmanaged, things unravel quickly, but when teams begin to become clear on where their company is going and why, great amounts of progress and momentum can be expected. 

How is your company’s planning considered a discipline? An early issue is often having a clear process to follow to obtain the necessary attributes of an initial plan. We find that leaders and their management teams benefit greatly from some outside facilitation on these concepts and desired outcomes. Filling out a questionnaire on a company’s purpose, mission, or vision rarely results in something inspiring and meaningful. Often, a third-party facilitator (i.e: an experienced business coach) can elicit the desired results from team members who know what they want but struggle to articulate it clearly.

In reviewing this strategy and process for planning, if you feel your company is in good shape, I want to be the first to compliment you on your efforts. Getting this right isn’t that easy or commonly achieved. If you feel your company needs some more discipline in the area of clear and practical planning, simply contact us here; we can figure out a plan that works for you. Use our 20-question self-audit to further clarify what you most want to improve with your company.

Next week, we will dig into the second key discipline: Effective Meeting Management. This covers why and how it is critical to get your meetings right. Enjoy the process!

Blog Management Meeting Strategy and Planning

Why a Management Meeting is Your Company Canary

Although every business is distinctly unique, there is one activity that consistently demonstrates the overall health of an organisation. The quality of the Weekly Management Meeting is the Litmus test of your company’s stability, strength and integrity. This single activity is the metaphorical equivalent of using the health of a canary to judge the safety of a coal mine. It accurately predicts the vitality of the rest of the company, just as the vitality of a canary does for miners

Although you likely have an immediate, more general diagnosis of your canary’s health, here is a quick business coaching self-check that can help you focus upon some specific areas of management weakness.

Self-check on the health of our Weekly Management Meeting canary:

  1. Is there is a consistent weekly meeting that starts on time, ends on time, and that everyone considers to be highly productive? 
  2. Does everyone on the management team share their thoughts and ideas with a high level of trust?
  3. Is there an effective scorecard for measuring how the company is performing in its key areas?
  4. Is cashflow effectively monitored with accurate forecasting as part of the meeting process?
  5. Is the majority of the meeting used for identifying and actually resolving the key challenges of the business?
  6. Is there a longer quarterly meeting used to refocus the team on the key initiatives for the upcoming quarter?

Answering ‘no’ to any of these questions likely suggests weaknesses within your team, your company structure or the business at large. In affect, if you answer ‘no’, you have a sick canary. Left unchecked, these issues can fester and grow beneath the surface, unrecognised or addressed due to your lack of a fully-functioning, healthy Weekly Management Meeting.

Management Meeting

Why is the Weekly Meeting so indicative of a company’s management health?

The meeting brings all the key pieces of the company together and shines a spotlight on each of them every week. When there is a weakness in the company, it will come up through maintaining highly productive weekly meetings.

Through this process, you can turn all those noes into yeses, resurrect your canary and unify as a team to address any concerns that may arise. From this healthy and united position, you are far better able to tackle issues in the earliest stages, extinguishing the sparks before they become fires.

As an initial assessment of your company’s health, complete the free Better Execute 20-Question Self-Audit. If this uncovers issues within your company processes, contact Better Execute to discover how we might assist in returning your business to optimal health.

Learn how to develop healthy, productive Weekly Management Meetings in part 2 of my Canary in the Coal Mine blog, coming soon.

Blog Management Meeting Strategy and Planning

What is the “Canary” in the Coal Mine of Your Business?

Although every business is distinctly unique, there is one activity that consistently demonstrates the overall health of an organisation. The quality of the Weekly Management Meeting is the Litmus test of your company’s stability, strength and integrity. This single activity is the metaphorical equivalent of using the health of a canary to judge the safety of a coal mine. It accurately predicts the vitality of the rest of the company, just as the vitality of a canary does for miners

Although you likely have an immediate, more general diagnosis of your canary’s health, here is a quick business coaching self-check that can help you focus upon some specific areas of management weakness.

Self-check on the health of our Weekly Meeting canary:

  1. Is there a consistent weekly meeting that starts on time, ends on time, and that everyone considers to be highly productive? 
  2. Does everyone on the management team share their thoughts and ideas with a high level of trust?
  3. Is there an effective scorecard for measuring how the company is performing in its key areas?
  4. Is cashflow effectively monitored with accurate forecasting as part of the meeting process?
  5. Is the majority of the meeting used for identifying and actually resolving the key challenges of the business?
  6. Is there a longer quarterly meeting used to refocus the team on the key initiatives for the upcoming quarter?

Answering ‘no’ to any of these questions likely suggests weaknesses within your team, your company structure or the business at large. In effect, if you answer ‘no’, you have a sick canary. Left unchecked, these issues can fester and grow beneath the surface, unrecognised or addressed due to your lack of a fully-functioning, healthy Weekly Management Meeting

Management Meeting

Why is the Weekly Management Meeting so indicative of a company’s management health?

The meeting brings all the key pieces of the company together and shines a spotlight on each of them every week. When there is a weakness in the company, it will come up through maintaining highly productive weekly meetings.

Through this process, you can turn all those nos into yeses, resurrect your canary and unify as a team to address any concerns that may arise. From this healthy and united position, you are far better able to tackle issues in the earliest stages, extinguishing the sparks before they become fires.

As an initial assessment of your company’s health, complete the free Better Execute 20-Question Self-Audit. If this uncovers issues within your company processes, contact Better Execute to discover how we might assist in returning your business to optimal health.

Learn how to develop healthy, productive Weekly Management Meetings in part 2 of my Canary in the Coal Mine blog.

Blog Strategy and Planning

Why a Strong Company Vision Matters

There is likely nothing more deserving of criticism in businesses than most Company Vision Statements – if they have one at all.

Perhaps a founder jotted a few words down as part of a one-page business plan or a slick marketing agent sold an owner on the concept with a lot of energy during a month-long consulting gig. The typical result is the same; they became some words that didn’t see the light of day and were quickly forgotten.

Yet many of the best-known, most-proven management consultants, business coaches, and business leaders see a company’s Vision Statement (along with the company’s Core Values) as one of the key pillars of all companies. How can this be?

Business coaching experiences that reiterate two fundamental reasons that a company’s Vision Statement can be either worthless or priceless:

  1. The statement never hit the mark on identifying something truly meaningful to the company’s leaders. If the goal is to complete a business plan, there is a tendency to create something decent and then just move on. When a business founder wants to describe how they are going to put a dent in the universe, that requires a different level of effort and attention. 
  2. Even if all the right words are used, the Company Vision must be circulated and used as a guidepost for making consistent decisions. If not, it will never develop the force or energy necessary to weather the inevitable storms of growing a business. Visionary storytelling may sound like a soft skill, but the ability to articulate a compelling vision to stakeholders is what increasingly separates the winners and losers. Crafting such a story should be a core skill of today’s CEOs with five or more employees.

Examples from Business Coaching When a Company Vision Helps (and When It Doesn’t)

Company A has a well-utilised and adopted vision and Company B doesn’t.  The recent lockdown in Victoria, Australia caused both companies to take hits from a revenue recognition standpoint, as projects were halted with people not being able to be present at job sites. I have business coaching and management meetings with both companies on a weekly basis, though Company B is just starting out as a new client. 

I started both management meetings with the acknowledgment of likely issues arising due to the lockdowns. It was also suggested that we spend five minutes reviewing ‘why’ we are doing this in the first place – that is, why the company exists. We reviewed the Vision, Mission, and Core Purpose, asking individuals to share their thoughts and observations. Company A’s people quickly identified compelling reasons for attacking the upcoming Covid lockdown issues, and we spent the remainder of the 90-minute meeting breaking down the key challenges into practical action items. Company B struggled to find meaning, and we spent much of the meeting discussing topics around mental wellbeing. These two meetings were a real-life example of Charles Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities. I have no doubt Company B will identify a compelling future; it will simply take some focused effort to get their foundation right.

As I’ve mentioned in the past, it took me a while to be a believer in the value of a strong Company Vision. There are far too many empty and invisible Vision Statements compared to those that actually energise entire teams. Drop us a line if you’d like some real-life examples or to talk through your own.

I like doing things on my own as often as possible, but this happens to be a body of work that yields better results when working with people who have tamed these difficult waters multiple times before.

Regardless of your strategy, we hope the experiences described in this article spur you to revisit your Company Vision Statement and breathe some more life into it, regardless of its current level. Covid is likely going to challenge our businesses in ways we haven’t fully prepared for, and a strong ‘Why’ can certainly help make the journey a more confident one.

Better Execute is a Business Coaching and Management Consulting Company focused on helping business leaders with 5-50 employees gain more control over their businesses. Better Execute’s motto is Better Business = Better Life and Better Business comes from Better Execution.