Today we focus on the final of the five strategies great problem-solvers use to break through their challenges. As a quick reminder from the previous articles on this topic, here are the five mutually reinforcing problem-solving business strategies that seem to underly great problem solvers’ success: 

  1. Don’t accept the first description of a problem as the actual core issue
  2. Be curious about every dynamic of an issue
  3. Maintain an empathetic view of the world, to see through multiple lenses
  4. Ensure an agreed-upon definition of the issue is reached before any discussions on potential solution strategies
  5. Use storytelling to generate a compelling call to action.

Strategy #5:

The Use of Storytelling for Business Strategies

Psychologists and communication experts have told us for years that our brains process information best in the form of stories. Likely this is due to evolution and how we have evolved as a species over millions of years. Be this as it may, I have little authority on storytelling and even less direct skills at performing this valuable combination of art and science.

We all have weaknesses in our arsenal of business strategies and this is my Achilles heel, as much as I would love to have developed it over the years. My lack is prowess in this area is not due to a lack of knowledge or for want of trying. That is why, even though I am not an effective storyteller, I am comfortable commenting on the strategy and providing some guidance on where to go next if you are curious about the topic.  

One of my favourite focuses on the use of storytelling is when a company utlises it to tell its own story to its marketplace. One author I find particularly helpful on this front is Donald Miller with his book Building a Story Brand.  He succinctly describes both why and how a company should present itself through the structure of a story as part of its overarching business strategies.  

Although the entire book is worth reading and implementing into your own unique business strategies, the key insight is that your company is not the main actor in your company’s story – the customer or client is. Using this lens changes how a company approaches promoting itself in a profound way. I hope you enjoy the journey this book and insight set you on. You can find the book here and at numerous other locations.

As for your own storytelling skills, there are countless books and courses on how to become a better storyteller. However, the real challenge is putting in the time and energy to actually become a better storyteller in the realm of your own business strategies. Although I have failed to date to find the discipline to do so, I hope you will because everyone will benefit from your development.

This completes the five business strategies for effective problem-solving. I hope you have identified some opportunities for you to further develop your problem-solving skills.  We always appreciate your feedback on business strategies that you find helpful.  We hope to hear from you sometime soon. Until then, best of luck on your journey.

Need more advice on creating effective business strategies? Feel free to contact me today with any questions you may have.